Arts Consultant, Actor, Singer, Bassoonist

Justin T. Chapman

I specialize in working with small arts organizations with an eye on long-term capacity building. I have a wide breadth of knowledge in a number of areas important to developing a successful organization, which allows me to take a comprehensive view to identify potential areas of improvement and interdepartmental collaboration. I think of myself as a plug-and-play worker, able to fit into any area one might need to “know a guy.” Take a look at my professional and artistic resumes below to get an idea of my experiences, as well as some projects I am currently working on.

ArtZapp ~ Co-Founder & CEO

Developed with former colleagues from the University of Connecticut, ArtZapp is an innovative education and information app for the arts, created by artists. Our goal is to incentivize public participation in the arts by providing game-like rewards for attendance at arts events. You can play our prototype trivia game now!

Current Projects and Affiliations

Buttercup’s Lament ~ Producer

Buttercup's Lament is an animated short film currently in development. The film will tell the story of two New York City cats, Buttercup and Peanut, who are stuck with their owner in their apartment during the early stages of COVID-19 lockdown. From playwright Julie Weinberg. Learn more here.

Ensemble Stage ~ Technical & Development Director; Board Member

Ensemble Stage is a 99-seat theatre anchoring the Cultural Arts Center in Banner Elk, NC. As one of few professional theatres in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we provide affordable theatre to a historically neglected region of America. Click here to visit our website.